The CSRD allies' movement

We advocate for smart simplification of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). Our goal? To reduce compliance costs without compromising Europe’s climate ambitions.

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The movement

Key Proposals

Europe has a thriving tech ecosystem dedicated to sustainability, which should be protected as a strong competitive advantage. We advocate for the continuation of the pro-environmental policies set by the CSRD while working to minimize the financial burden on businesses. This note outlines a series of measures that would significantly reduce compliance costs without compromising climate ambitions.

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Reducing Compliance Costs by Revising Audit Requirements

Eliminate the dominance of large audit firms like KPMG, Deloitte, EY, and PWC, reducing audit costs significantly (from €40-100K to less than €10K).

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Strengthening the Principle of Proportionality in Reporting

Tailor the reporting requirements based on company size, sector, and activity level to ensure fairness.

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Publication of Sector-Specific Benchmark Reporting Guidelines

Publish practical guides to identify material ESRS for different industries.

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Simplified Reporting
Simplified Reporting and Audit Exemptions for SMEs & Mid-Market Companies

Allow SMEs to use simplified audit standards and certified reporting software to reduce costs and improve efficiency.

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The real suffocation comes from inaction, not transparency.

Critics of the CSRD blame it for Europe's economic struggles, ignoring deeper issues — political instability, energy costs, market stagnation, and weak investment. But the directive isn’t the enemy; it’s a tool to build a resilient, competitive, and sustainable economy.Rather than delay or dismantle it, the focus should be on better implementation, practical guidance, and proportionality— not fear-mongering. The greatest risk for businesses isn't compliance; it's failing to anticipate the inevitable shift towards a low-carbon economy. In the long run, inaction will cost far more than adaptation.

Alexis Normand
Ambassador European Leader For Climate

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Olivia Williams
CEO / Versel

CSRD Materiality Finder - Analysis of applicable ESRS by sector & Benchmarks

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DR S4-5: Objectives related to managing significant negative impacts, enhancing positive impacts, and managing risks and opportunities

S4- Consumers and End-Users

DR G1-6: Payment practices

G1- Business Conduct

DR SBM-1: Strategy, business model, and value chain


Like ESRS 2, this is a cross-cutting standard. ESRS1 does not contain disclosure requirements (DR) and defines the structure of the ESRS in 4 pillars: Governance (GOV) Strategy (SBM) Management of impacts, risks, and opportunities (IRO) Measures and targets (MT)

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